Monthly Index
October 31, 2005

If there is one thing you don't joke about at Logitech, it is Halloween. The preparations for this celebration start months in advance in the secrecy of the conference rooms. Each department prepares its war agenda. The goal: get the trophy of the best decorated area, best skit or/and best group costume. And when you step in the building on October 31st you'll be blown away, unable to recognize the place. I think some even never find their cubicle on that day!!
Tea for Two
October 22, 2005
Tea for Two (October 22, 2005)
Some say that after 29, the age counter goes down every year. Some others say that once you reach thirty the counter gets broken and you’ll be forever 29. The big numbers displayed on top of Anne’s and Ellie’s hats unfortunately indicated that the counter didn’t break this time. But then, if it had, we would have missed all the delicious delicatessen and the hilarious rounds of karaoke. Good things do not come without sacrifice. Who knows, the counter may still break. Happy birthday!
October 8, 2005
Ardenwood (October 8, 2005)
It becomes more and more obvious that Halloween is around the corner. Pumpkins are popping up everywhere, witches are around every corner and giant spiders don’t seem to scare anyone anymore. So to get in the mood for this yearly event we thought that it would be nice to actually visit the maize of Ardenwood. After all I have been driving by the farm every day for the last five years and never went through the front gate! Check it out...
The BBQ of the 'chefs' (2)
October 2, 2005
The BBQ of the 'chefs' (2) (October 2, 2005)
Our readers surely remember the previous BBQ at Arnaud's and Valerie's place. Now, they put a lot of thinking into how they could make it even better. And this is what they came up with: To make us all happy, they bought a bigger house and added a good size swimming pool in the garden. So to all the readers who are planning to invite us over ... we don't expect anything less from you :-)
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